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7 Phhere matrimony’s founder decodes how youngsters prioritize compatibility


In this ever-evolving world, where everything keeps changing, the institution of marriage has also evolved over the years in different countries and India is no exception. Now individuals prefer finding their own better half, unlike last few decades ago when the parents or relatives finalized partners and their decision was considered binding. These days in the wake of modernization and with men & women understanding the importance of individualism and liberalism, many things are not the same as they were. Traditionally society insisted on adhering to endogamy principles of marriages but nowadays exogamy principles are also getting normalized. As a result, a major segment of the society has stopped giving much importance to caste, religion, gotras, etc. They rather prefer having compatibility in marriages. Over time, the parents also want their children to be independent and make certain life choices for themselves. Hence, nowadays, they only give them guidance instead of making the final decision when it comes to choosing a life partner.

Having an excellent compatible relationship with their better halves is one thing that most Millennials, HNIs and Gen-Z people desire to have. This is because after having a tiring day at work and pulling through a jampacked schedule people desire to come home to a person with whom they can share some time in serenity. Compatibility is ultimately equivalent to settling for someone who respects your values and boundaries. This happens due to the reason that marriage, in its early stages, includes emotions such as compassion, a sense of understanding, and tolerance. Whereas, with the passage of time as the subsequent stages keep arising, the relationship starts becoming a little bit monotonous and people might start getting agitated. This may eventually lead to a conflict of interest. Every relationship obviously works with some adjustments and compromises, but it gets difficult to sustain when only one of the partners is sacrificing. Hence today's generation prefers to see eye-to-eye on the majority of issues with their partners.

With years of experience in the matrimony business, the founder of 7 Phhere (an elite matrimony platform that caters to exclusive personalized matchmaking services) has a great understanding of the ever-changing practices in weddings. Hence, they have discussed the reasons behind youngsters prioritizing compatibility in different aspects of life before marriage.

1.  Having similar thoughts about the relationship's future

Youngsters ensure they desire the same thing in marriage as their partners because it is supremely important. Are they in for a monogamous relationship, or do they want an open marriage? Do they wish to have their own kids, or would they instead adopt? They ask all these questions beforehand, so there are fewer conflicts in the long run. They believe in the concept of 'not assuming things’, as changing your mind afterward might be difficult. How a couple interacts is the fundamental aspect of creating a successful marriage. Today's generation likes to be upfront with their partners about all the things that are non-negotiable for them.

2.  Social Life

These days’ individuals prefer someone with similar social habits for their own sanity. However, others prefer a partner who is different from them so their life does not seem monotonous and unappealing. Do you want an introvert or an extrovert partner? Do you want a party animal, or do you prefer someone to watch Netflix with - on a Saturday night? Asking these questions before marriage is essential; thus, getting to know their partner's social behavior is something that youngsters prefer. Couples who focus on unity find it easier to build a sense of emotional connection with each other and this kind of relationship in marriage is motivating and joyful.

3.  Having equivalent opinions

When we are trying to get to know someone, we usually start by asking about their interests. Earlier generations did not realize the significance of having a partner with similar political, religious, and socioeconomic thoughts. The current generation learned its implication. Thus they prefer a spouse with similar ideas, and even if they do not have the same thoughts, they should have the power to stand different opinions. Equality in marriages can be a fluid process, and it may change over time between couples – as long as there is respect and effective communication between them.

4.  Financial alignment

Financial goals change over time and the key is to keep them growing and changing together. If you want to create financial goals that work for you both as a couple, you are going to have to be completely honest with each other about money. Rich/Affluent, HNI (High Net Individuals) and millennials understand this; hence, before marriage, they prefer to discuss finances with their future spouse. Financial compatibility does not mean earning the same amount; instead, it means that both people have similar views on money matters. If you aren’t used to having these kinds of raw conversations about money, it might be uncomfortable at first. But the more #RealMoneyTalk convos you have with your partner, the easier it will get. When it comes to marriage, the power of financial alignment is key.

5.  Views on life in general

Knowing if their partner is a 'glass half full' or a 'glass half empty' person is essential for men and women today. Knowing their attitude towards life and whether they are pessimists or optimists are a few things they like to know before getting married. Ultimately attitude towards life plays a prominent role in compatibility.

There might be a never-ending checklist of compatibility, but the youngsters today have also realized that in relationships, they do need to communicate and accept each other with flaws. They acknowledge that at the end of the day, they have to be each other's cheerleaders and not competitors. They understand that they have to grow together as a couple. Marriage is such a blessing! To know that two people can be united in a beautiful and sacred bond, that leads them to have a person to walk alongside through every aspect of life is truly incredible.

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