A filmmaker in Pakistan is reportedly working on a movie lionising Kashmiri militant Burhan Wani, who was killed in a gunfight with the Army one year ago. A teaser of the animated flick was doing the rounds of YouTube on Sunday. According to Free Press Kashmir, the movie would be directed by Rana Abrar from Pakistan.
According to a statement by the makers, "the movie tells the story of a young Kashmiri boy (Burhan) who is able to become a fighter within the Kashmir liberation movement and through daring, courage and self-sacrifice wreaks massive destruction on the Indian occupying military."
Wani, who was killed in an encounter with security forces on July 8 2016, at Bamdooru village in Kokernag, south Kashmir, was a young militant with a rabid following on social media. His death had sparked an era of unrest unlike anything that was witnessed in the past few decades in the strife-torn state. His grave in the village of Sharifabad had become a shrine, with people from his hometown, Tral, and other parts of Kashmir visiting the location for prayers and blessings.
Pakistan had leveraged the deceased militant's fame in the international arena, with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif bringing up his name in the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).
Burhan is buried next to his brother Khalid, who, too, died in an encounter with security forces three years ago. Hizbul Mujahideen's second-in-command Sabzar Ahmed Bhat, the successor of Burhan Wani, was also killed in an encounter with security forces earlier this year.