The Jammu and Kashmir Assembly was adjourned on Thursday after a heated clash erupted between Kashmir-based legislators and BJP MLAs over a recent resolution on special status. The trouble began when Langate MLA Khurshid Ahmad Sheikh raised a poster demanding the restoration of Article 370 and the release of political prisoners, which immediately provoked a strong reaction from BJP members.
Speaker Abdur Rahim Rather first adjourned the House for 15 minutes to calm things down, but the tension remained when the session resumed.
As the session continued, Bharatiya Janata Party legislators entered the well of the House, insisting that the special status resolution, passed the previous day, be repealed, calling it unconstitutional. In response, Speaker Rather ordered Marshals to remove the disrupting BJP members. BJP MLA Shagun Parihar intensified the protest by climbing onto a table in the Well.
Food Minister Satish Sharma criticized the BJP, accusing it of ignoring issues like unemployment among Jammu’s youth and the region's economy. “We speak the ‘Mann ki Baat’ of BJP,” he said sarcastically, questioning the party's priorities. National Conference MLA Nazir Gurezi agreed, accusing the BJP of not caring about Jammu’s development. Treasury benches chanted slogans supporting Article 370, calling it the voice of Jammu and Kashmir.
Deputy Chief Minister Surinder Choudhary also criticized the BJP, calling it “double-faced” and holding it responsible for Jammu’s problems. “You sold Jammu’s land…you are responsible for the mess in Jammu,” he declared.
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Sharma accused the BJP of creating divisions within Jammu and Kashmir and of disrespecting the Constitution. “By climbing on the table where the Indian Constitution was placed, you claim to be champions of democracy. You should be punished for desecrating it,” he added. MLA Pyare Lal joined the criticism, saying the BJP’s wish to separate Jammu from Kashmir would never come true.
Despite Speaker Rather’s repeated efforts to bring order, BJP members refused to sit down and continued to demand that the special status resolution be removed. With no progress, the speaker adjourned the session until the following day.