Gifting what people really need!


That very American practice of giving presents at weddings, birthdays and baby showers, that have been previously short listed by pragmatic hosts, has come to India. has offers a solution to the dilemma: what does the bride or groom or mum-to-be really want? How can one avoid being the donor of the twentieth, dinner set or in India—that staple gift—a pressure cooker. offers the recipients the opportunity to create a gift registry. You choose gifts you would like from available online stores, share this gift list with your loved ones and be assured that you have saved them a whole load of hassle.

As a guest you would think, “What do I buy? Will he/she like it?” and then “Where do I buy it?” At MyThofa you get to see the list of things that your loved ones want and buy them online too. Your practical approach will be appreciated, feel the founders. The site has separate registries for wedding, baby shower, new home, sixtieth birthday etc.

The team behind MyThofa includes supply chain professional Shiv Nair; interior decorator Shalini Nair and estate management-cum-hospitality specialist Presita Nair.

Will this practical and hard nosed approach to gifting catch on in India? Let's watch and see!

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