Your big day

Bridal skincare tips for looking gorgeous on D-day


Is your special day around the corner? Are you worried about those breakouts, pigmentation, black spots, or visible fine lines on your face? Don’t fret, we have got you covered. But it is not all that easy; there is a lot of work to be done to start prepping up your skin in advance. With the hectic work schedule and wedding planning, skincare may be the last thing on your mind, leaving you with acne, breakouts, dull skin, wrinkles and a host of other skin problems. Follow these tips to have a radiant skin on your D-day.

Fillers and botox: In order to reduce the signs of aging and look younger, brides can go for non-surgical procedures that help replace the skin’s natural collagen and smoothen facial lines. If you are planning for botox, then do it at least two weeks before your wedding. Botox aids in reducing wrinkles that are caused by repeated contraction of the muscles when one smiles or frowns. Botox and fillers can improve your skin appearance and make it look smoother. For those with asymmetrical lips with fine lines around the surface of the lips, dermal filler can be a good idea as they can dramatically or subtly enhance your lips too.

Cool-sculpting: It is a non-surgical and an innovative way to get rid of those annoying bumps and bulges of stubborn fat on your body. This revolutionary technology targets and cools unwanted fat cells in the selected area and induces a natural-looking reduction in fat bulges. This does not involve needles, surgery or downtime, unlike other procedures.

Eat right: To get that glowing skin, you will have to keep yourself hydrated by drinking a lot of water. Drink watermelon, broccoli, and lettuce juice. Add more colours to your diet by including fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat nuts and healthy snacks. Avoid tea or coffee and have green tea. Eliminate sugar and carbohydrates from your diet. Say no to junk, soda, processed and oily foods. Soda can leave you bloated. Also, add protein to your diet. Avoid crash diets in order to cut down those extra kilos. This plan can fail and you may end up gaining more weight.

Sleep well: Insufficient sleep and stress can lead to patchy skin, puffy eyes and dehydration. So, try to stick to a proper sleep schedule and get maximum sleep.

Exfoliate: Want to get rid of dead cells and blackheads? Then, exfoliate your skin from time to time. Exfoliate it before using a mild face wash as a harsh one can cause rashes and skin irritation. Using homemade scrub made of rice flour or whole wheat flour, or a mixture of both to exfoliate the skin can also be helpful.

Yoga and meditation: Practising relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation can help you beat anxiety, stress and nervousness by calming you down.

Honey glow: For combination to dry skin types, take one teaspoon of honey and massage on the skin every day. Leave it on for about 10 minutes and then wash. It not only cleans the skin but also gives you a glow.

Soothing aloe vera: Scrape out the gel from the leaf and massage onto the skin. Wash the skin with cold water after 10 minutes and pat dry. It will soothe and rejuvenate your skin.

Shome is senior cosmetic surgeon and director, The Esthetic Clinics