
Premium Pet House - Best Puppy For Sale In India

In this already crowded market of puppies for sale in India , Premium Pet House stands tall for its love for dogs. Spearheaded by Mr. Shivling Giri, this Pune-based dog breeder has established itself as a brand for dog lovers across India. 

Passionate about bringing out the best, Premium Pet House has gained popularity in the industry for its great dedication, love for dogs, and overall customer experience. The journey of Premium Pet House started in 2013 in Pune and since then has spread to various parts of India. They have a physical presence in 38 cities. They have certification from the Kennel Club of India and the Animal Welfare Board of India. 

How Does Premium Pet House Serve Its Customers?

The primary mission of Premium Pet House is to offer all the customers the finest puppy and facilitate a fulfilling purchase experience. Premium Pet House has a very enhanced convenience for every puppy buyer and provides every essential service to those seeking to welcome a new family member.

Premium Pet House maintains an extensive list of around 24 dog breeds hailing from various regions of the world. What makes Premium Pet House different from the other breeders is that they are far removed from the negative stereotypes often linked with profit-driven and unethical breeding practices. 

They conduct every breeding activity with a strong sense of responsibility and ethics. You get to choose from a huge list of options to buy puppies from them. They care for the puppies as if they were their own and share your deep affection for dogs.

Raising a puppy is not a one-man affair; it takes a lot, and Premium Pet House is a big team that offers service 24 x 7. Being a pet parent is a very delightful journey, but not all dog breeds are suitable for first-time dog owners. 

Not suitable is a big word; breeds such as the German Shepherd and Rottweiler require some extra guidance for their care and training. Premium Pet House helps with that, too. For those who remain eager to welcome these breeds into their lives, the recommendation is to consider fostering them initially. This approach provides valuable insights into their behaviors and lifestyles, benefiting both the prospective owner and the dog.

Best Puppies from the House of Premium Pet House

In the heart of Pune, Premium Pet House is the house where the finest puppies are born and nurtured. Premium Pet House has become synonymous with excellence in the world of canine breeding. Every puppy that enters the world under their care results from meticulous planning, ethical practices, and a genuine love for dogs.

Before you get a puppy, Premium Pet House offers you an option to come and see the puppy physically at their centers. They make sure you are prepared for what your dog needs and their temperament or the diet your puppy needs to follow. Premium Pet House's legacy extends far beyond being a breeder; it is a trusted source for those seeking a canine companion. Their puppies find homes in India and worldwide, leaving a trail of happy families and wagging tails in their wake.

When the time comes for a puppy to leave the house of Premium Pet House, the transition is handled with the utmost care. Each new owner receives guidance on puppy care, training, and nutrition to ensure a smooth and joyful journey ahead. Premium Pet House helps every new pet owner with 24/7 support for every kind of need, starting from diet to grooming your puppy. They can be trusted for every small detail of your canine companion’s life journey.

Best Dog Breeders in India

Premium Pet House shines as one of India's best dog breeders. The passionate dog lover owner started this company to provide every dog lover with the best puppies. Premium Pet House has garnered a well-deserved reputation for excellence in the art of dog breeding. They specialize in diverse breeds, each bred with meticulous care and attention to produce champions and cherished family members.

Be it the majestic Great Danes or the playful Beagles and even elegant Dachshunds, they have maintained every standard recognized by the Kennel Club of India and American standards. Premium Pet House's dedication to preserving breed standards and producing healthy, well-socialized puppies has earned them a place among the best in the industry.

After Sales Customer Relations Always Top-Notch From Premium Pet House

In the world of pet care and companionship, Premium Pet House excels in breeding exceptional dogs and shines in after-sales customer relations. They are dedicated to every dog’s well-being, even after being sent to the owners' houses from their sheds. The commitment to their customer does not end with the sale of the puppy; for Premium Pet House, it is just the beginning of a lifelong journey.

Premium Pet House- Puppy for sale in India takes pride in offering personalized guidance and support to every customer who brings home one of their precious puppies. They are always ready and available to answer pet owners' queries and guide them accordingly, be it puppy care, nutrition, or training, with a team of extremely experienced professionals. 

They ensure that each new dog parent has both knowledge and confidence to nurture a happy and healthy four-legged furry companion. Recognizing the importance of informed and responsible pet ownership, Premium Pet House goes the extra mile in educating its customers. Their continuous online blog posts and online seminars and resources cover a wide range of topics, from basic puppy training to advanced canine health and wellness.

Premium Pet House's after-sales customer relations in the pet care industry exemplify how a company's commitment to its customers extends far beyond the transaction. The owner who chooses Premium Pet House as their trusted source for a furry family member receives a remarkable dog and unwavering support and guidance throughout their journey together.

What makes Premium Pet House different from others? Puppy for Sale in India

The pet industry experienced a sudden rise in demand for pet dogs between 2018 to 2023. Premium Pet House stands out as a unique and distinguished brand that has set itself apart through a combination of values, practices, and a deep commitment to its mission. They commit to responsible breeding, and  Premium Pet House ensures each dog is raised in a healthy and humane environment. This dedication to animal welfare sets them apart as a brand that prioritizes the well-being of the dogs they work with.

Premium Pet House- puppy for sale goes ahead with the sale of just a puppy. Their team provides personalized guidance, educational resources, and ongoing assistance. Premium Pet House has a specialty in a diverse range of dog breeds that ensures that potential pet owners can find the perfect canine companion to match their lifestyle and preferences. From majestic giants to playful small breeds, they offer a wide selection of well-bred dogs.

Premium Pet House actively engages with the community and contributes to social causes related to animal welfare. Their involvement in charitable activities and initiatives aimed at responsible pet ownership demonstrates their dedication to making a positive impact beyond their business.

End Line

In the sprawling landscape of the pet industry, one name stands out as a beacon of excellence, ethics, and unwavering dedication—Premium Pet House. At the heart of Premium Pet House's identity lies a profound commitment to ethical breeding practices and animal welfare. 

Their team and their dedication to stringent health and safety standards have set them apart as a brand that prioritizes the happiness and health of the dogs they work with. Premium Pet House isn't merely a brand; it's a trusted partner in the incredible journey of canine companionship. 

Their ethics, education, and transparency values have made them a rare example in the pet care industry. With Premium Pet House, dog owners find exceptional dogs and a support system that enriches their lives and ensures the well-being of their furry family members. Premium Pet House's legacy is one of trust, love, and an enduring commitment to the extraordinary bond between humans and their four-legged companions.

Buy Puppy for sale in India from Premium Pet House. 

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