Bending backwards energises the organs in the pelvis, the abdomen and the chest. It also helps the spinal muscles. It is more effective if done using a chair and a stability ball. The effect of bending can be enhanced with the support of a wall. It imparts a good stretch to the arms..
• Take a stability ball of 30cm diameter.
• Keep a chair one foot away from the wall
• Sit on the chair, with the back towards the wall
• Press the feet, and keep them parallel, separated by about six to 12 inches
• Sit upright at the edge of the seat with the stability ball in hand
• Keep the stability ball on the chair and pull it close to the back
• Hold the ball, raise the hips, pull the ball in and recline back on the ball
• Slowly bend the back
• Stretch both hands with palms on the wall
• Slide the palms down and straighten both arms
• Stay for about three to five minutes with slow abdominal breathing
• Take the arms up, hold the chair and slowly get up