The pelvis and the abdomen host several organs, which can be stimulated through twisting and inverting the blood flow. After that, good breathing provides a feeling of deep relaxation. The posture helps the lower back, the neck and the shoulders.
☞ Sit on all fours (knees below the hips and palms below the shoulders)
☞ Join your knees and feet
☞ Flex your elbows
☞ Twist your trunk to the left, and bend
☞ Rest your left shoulder on the mat and stretch your left arm
☞ Press your right palm on the mat, and twist the trunk as much as possible
☞ Turn the neck towards the left and rest the head
☞ Join both the palms in salutation (Anjali Mudra)
☞ Align your left shoulder and the neck in line with your knees
☞ Stretch your feet and tighten your calf muscles
☞ As you inhale slowly, the abdominal cavity should expand
☞ As you exhale slowly, the abdominal cavity should contract
☞ Breathing should be relaxed: four seconds inhalation and six seconds exhalation are considered good
☞ Stay for about two minutes
☞ Slowly come up
☞ Change side and relax