Get a leg up


The muscles of the posterior thigh (hamstrings) and the calf muscle, along with the Achilles tendon (the cord connecting the calf muscles to the heel), form a kinetic chain (interrelated groups of body segments) to provide an intense stretch to the leg. Here is a posture to keep the legs healthy. It also helps the hips and the back.


☞ Sit facing the wall

☞ Sit upright on a folded blanket in a cross-legged position

☞ Press the palms on the mat

☞ Gently lift the right leg and rest the heel on the floor

☞ Stretch the right leg, pull the kneecap and stretch the toes towards the knee

☞ Press the heel against the wall

☞ Keep the trunk upright

☞ Straighten the arms, open the shoulders

☞ As you inhale slowly, the abdominal cavity should expand

☞ As you exhale slowly, the abdominal cavity should contract

☞ Stay for about 30 seconds

☞ Slowly bring the right leg down and change the side

☞ Repeat

☞ If comfortable, move closer to the wall and repeat the whole process

☞ The closer you are, better the stretch