4 Muscle health


The quadriceps femoris is a large fleshy muscle group covering the front and side of the thigh. It is a group of four muscles: rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius.

The health of these muscles has a direct bearing on the hip, the back, and the knee. Here is an effective way to stretch the quadriceps.


☞ Keep a folded blanket close to the wall

☞ Sit upright on your heels; sit close to the blanket

☞ Press the palms by the side of the knees

☞ Take the left leg forward with foot between the palms

☞ Take the right leg back, with the knee and foot touching the wall

☞ Stretch toes up

☞ Ensure the hip, the knee, and the ankle are well aligned

☞ Slowly raise the trunk to the wall

☞ Keep the trunk upright

☞ Keep the arms by the side of the trunk

☞ Press the left foot and tighten the muscles of the calf and thigh

☞ As you inhale slowly, the abdominal cavity should expand

☞ As you exhale slowly, the abdominal cavity should contract

☞ Stay for about 30 seconds

☞ Slowly bend, press the palms on the mat and take the right leg forward

☞ Change side and repeat