Stiff neck, rounded shoulders, forward head position and kyphotic upper back (forward rounding of the upper back) are common maladies of modern life. It is important to provide a proper alignment for the upper back, the shoulders and the neck. Follow these steps for a pain-free neck and shoulders.
☞ Stand upright in front of a wall with your feet six inches apart
☞ Stand about one foot away from the wall
☞ Gently lean on the wall
☞ Rest the trunk, the shoulders, and the neck against the wall
☞ Stretch both arms down with the shoulders, pressing the wall
☞ Pressing the shoulders, slowly bend back, pushing the hips forward
☞ Open the chest and stretch the neck against the wall
☞ Pull the kneecaps, roll the thighs inward, tighten the buttocks, lift the chest and stretch the arms downward
☞ As you inhale slowly, the abdominal cavity should expand
☞ As you exhale slowly, the abdominal cavity should contract
☞ Stay for about 30 seconds
☞ Slowly come up and stand upright
☞ Relax and repeat