
Stretches go a long way


The pelvic floor and groin muscles are essential for supporting the pelvic organs, maintaining continence, and facilitating movement. The groin muscles are responsible for the movement of the thigh towards the midline of the body and stabilisation. These muscles ensure proper pelvic function, stability, and mobility, and are crucial for preventing pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence.


* Stand upright.

* Position a yoga wheel, approximately 40cm in diameter and 15cm in width, behind your back.

* Spread your feet about four feet apart with the yoga wheel centred between them.

* Turn both feet outward.

* Bend your knees and lower your hips.

* Gently sit on the yoga wheel.

* Press your feet into the ground, engaging the calf muscles and the back of your thighs.

* Hold the posture for around 60 seconds, breathing slowly and steadily.

* Slowly straighten your legs to rise back up.

* Repeat the posture three times.

* Stand upright and relax.