Improve flexibility


Incorporating yoga wheels into your exercise schedule can significantly enhance flexibility, relieve back tension, and strengthen the knees. This exercise gently massages and stretches the spine, promotes relaxation, and improves posture, too. It is perfect for those looking to reduce back stiffness, improve spinal health, and enhance knee stability. Here is a step-by-step method to perform this beneficial stretch using a yoga wheel:


* Sit cross-legged on a mat with an upright posture.

* Place a yoga wheel, approximately 40cm in diameter and 15cm in width, behind your back.

* Position the wheel about one feet from your back.

* Rest your palms beside your hips.

* Sit with your knees flexed and the feet about six inches apart.

* Slowly recline on the wheel, allowing your upper back to rest on it.

* Place your palms on your thighs.

* Press your feet on to the mat and gently straighten your knees as you roll the wheel back until it reaches your sacrum, a triangular bone on the lower back.

* Gently flex your knees, massaging your back up to the base of your neck.

* Repeat these movements around 10 times, focusing on the strengthening and stability benefits for your knees.

* Feel the muscles of your lower legs and thighs.

* Maintain the posture for around 40 seconds, breathing slowly and steadily.

* Slowly lower your hips and press your palms on the mat.

* Sit upright and relax.