
Tone your legs and back


A yoga wheel is a versatile prop that enables leg folding with a backbend. When used for lower extremity and trunk exercises, it provides excellent support for a deep stretch, helping to release tension in the legs, hips and spine. The wheel can also help in safe deeper backbends and for opening the chest, promoting better breathing and relaxation. Here is such a posture, which also removes fatigue in the legs, trunk and neck.


* Position a yoga wheel with a diameter of about 40cm and a width of 15cm.

* Sit upright on a mat with your legs folded to the side.

* Place the yoga wheel directly behind your back.

* Grasp the wheel with both hands and bring it close to your lower back.

* Hold your ankles and gently arch backward on to the rim of the wheel.

* Straighten both arms for a full stretch.

* Relax your neck and extend it back towards the wheel.

* Maintain this position for 1-2 minutes, focusing on slow, steady breathing.

* Gradually rise and return to a seated position.

* Repeat the posture and then take a moment to relax.