
Robotics in Joint Replacement : A Game Changer

The integration of Robotics in healthcare has opened up new frontiers thus leading to advancements in diagnosis, surgical procedures, rehabilitation, and enhanced patient care.  These intelligent systems can analyze complex medical information, identify patterns, and assist surgeons in making informed decisions. It has transformed the field, enabling surgeons to perform intricate procedures with improved precision and less invasive techniques.

The robotic surgical systems have revolutionized surgical procedures by providing enhanced precision, dexterity, and visualization to surgeons. These systems allow for minimally invasive surgeries with smaller incisions, reduced patient trauma, and faster recovery times.  

Robots in Orthopedics

Though traditional joint replacement surgeries have been effective, but the introduction of Robotic-assisted procedures augmented with Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken patient care to new heights. Its advent has revolutionized the way surgeons now approach for knee replacements. By combining the expertise of trained surgeons with the precision of robots, they have entered an era of unparalleled accuracy and customization.

Advantages of Fully Automatic Robots

Fully active robotics in knee replacement is a game-changer for patients seeking a quicker recovery and a return to an active lifestyle. By leveraging robotic assistance, surgeons can perform less invasive procedures, which often lead to reduced pain, shorter hospital stays, and faster rehabilitation. This innovative technology empowers both surgeons and patients alike. By utilizing real-time data feedback and dynamic adjustments during the surgery, the active robotic system ensures unparalleled precision in implant placement. This level of adaptability allows for a truly tailored approach, accounting for any subtle changes in the patient's anatomy or dynamics during the procedure. As a result, patients experience not only reduced pain and a faster recovery but also a knee replacement that feels remarkably natural.

Pioneers in Delhi

Dr. Shekhar Srivastav, HOD, Orthopaedics Department, Sant Parmanand Hospital in Delhi is the pioneer in bringing this technology to the city in 2022. The Cuvis Joint system (with infrared camera) is technologically the most advanced amongst its peers. It is completely autonomous in nature with least human interference required thereby leading to reduced possibility of human errors and possibility of intra-operative infections. He is one of the pioneer surgeons in North India to have acquired training in Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery. The surgeon is now able to customize knee replacements for each patient’s anatomy.


Sant Parmanand Hospital in Delhi has recently achieved a milestone which they have attained in a very short period. The orthopedics department of the hospital under the leadership of Dr Shekhar Srivastav has taken a significant leap in advancing healthcare technology by successfully carrying out more than 1000 successful robotic joint replacements which is a first in the city of Delhi with fully active Robotic System.

Informs Dr. Shekhar Srivastav, "The accomplishment reflects the commitment of our team comprising of highly skilled surgeons, nurses, therapists, operating staff and not to forget our patients who have bestowed their belief in our clinical expertise. By providing quality and empathetic care through a patient-first approach, the team has been rising to the challenges to provide to faster recovery.

Benefits of fully active robotic system:

• With precise placement of implants, the patient’s natural anatomy is reproduced. This allows tendons, ligaments, and muscles around the joint to function more normally. Patients are thus able to recover quickly and return to their routine activities.

• Patients are able to return home earlier than conventional surgeries as the robotic surgery causes less of soft tissue damage thus cutting financial costs.

• There is less trauma to surrounding tissues, blood vessels, nerves, muscles, and ligaments. Also, less risk of postsurgical complications such as pain, infection, and delayed healing.

•Robotic knee replacement helps in more precise placement of implants & intra-operative modifications leads to better balancing too. A well aligned & well balanced implant improves the longevity of implant too. Patients say that the implant feels more natural which leads to better support from the ligaments and muscles. As a result of greater outcomes, there is an increase in life expectancy for the implant itself.

Dr Shekhar Srivastav

Senior Orthopedics Surgeon & Head Of the Department, Sant Parmanand Hospital, Delhi

For more information:

Prime Speciality Clinic- Jagriti Enclave, Delhi.
Mob- 9818241028, 9971192233.

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