
Traffic light rules in India - Updated 2024

New Delhi (India), July 5: Driving on Indian roads is challenging and requires a thorough understanding of traffic lights and signs rules. They play a crucial role in maintaining road safety and preventing accidents. Traffic signals and signs provide crucial warnings, information, and directions to drivers and pedestrians, ensuring smooth traffic flow.

The traffic light rules in India are primarily governed by the Motor Vehicles Act, of 1988, and are enforced by various amendments and regulations issued by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH). Here are the key traffic light rules in India:

Traffic light signals

Red light

The red light indicates ‘STOP’ for drivers. Vehicles must come to a complete stop behind the stop line. 

Yellow or amber light

An amber light indicates ‘CAUTION’. This signals that the light sign is about to turn red. Drivers must stop if it is safe to do so.

Green light

The green light indicates ‘GO’. Vehicles can proceed through the intersection slowly and carefully. However, ensure to give way to pedestrians and other vehicles that are already in the intersection.

Apart from these basic traffic light signals, it is important to understand the following additional traffic light signs as well:

Flashing red light

Flashing a red light signifies the same as a stop sign. Drivers are required to come to a complete stop and should only proceed when it is safe to do so.

Flashing yellow light

A flashing yellow light indicates ‘proceed with caution’. Drivers should slow down and proceed through the intersection with caution.

Additional rules 

The following are some of the additional rules to keep in mind:

Vehicles must stop before the stop line at red lights to ensure pedestrian safety and smooth traffic flow. Adhering to these rules not only helps prevent accidents but can also positively impact your car insurance rates by demonstrating safe driving practices.

Vehicles must not enter an intersection if they cannot clear it completely by the time the light turns red, to avoid gridlock.

When police officers or traffic wardens are present, their signals take precedence over traffic lights.

Many cities are adopting intelligent (smart) traffic management systems to dynamically control traffic lights based on real-time traffic conditions. Some intersections now have speed limits enforced by automated cameras.

Pedestrian signals

Pedestrians can cross the road when the walk signal turns ‘green’ 

Pedestrians must not start to cross the road when the walk signal turns ‘red’

In most of the cities, there is increased emphasis on pedestrian signals and zebra crossings, with stricter penalties for violations.

Penalties for violations

The following are the violations that attract heavy penalties/fines:

Red light violation: Heavy Fines or penalties on the driver’s license.

Dangerous driving: Higher fines/potential license suspension/imprisonment for repeat offenders.

Compliance and awareness

These rules aim to enhance road safety, ensure a smoother traffic flow, reduce accidents, and in urban and rural areas. Always stay updated with local traffic regulations as they can vary slightly by region and municipality. Also, ensure to avail of a comprehensive car insurance policy for complete protection. 


Adhering to traffic light signals helps protect pedestrians and other road users, promoting a disciplined and respectful driving culture. Knowledge of traffic signs is also vital for legal compliance, avoiding fines and penalties. Overall, these signs are fundamental in creating an efficient and safe road environment.

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