This photo of an egg becomes the most-liked Instagram post ever!


Social media is certainly a strange place and a new world record proves it. The photograph of a humble egg is the new star as it becomes the most-liked post on Instagram. At 23 million likes, and still counting, the photo posted by world_record_egg dethroned Kylie Jenner whose photograph of her baby was the most liked post yet. In February last year, Kylie had posted a photograph of her newborn daughter, announcing her name—Stormi Webster. As of now, Kylie's post has over 18 million likes.

A regular stock photo of an egg was posted by the world_record_egg account, with a caption: "Let's set a world record together and get the most liked post on Instagram. Beating the current world record held by Kylie Jenner (18 million)! We got this.” Interestingly, this is the only post on the page which has 2.7 million followers as of now.

Shortly after the record was broken, Kylie came out with an epic response. She posted a video in which she takes an egg, and cracks it onto the road. She captioned it as: 'Take that little egg.'

Meanwhile, the likes on the 'egg post' are on their way up. 

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Take that little egg

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