
On his 100th birth anniversary, Pandit Ravi Shankar as his wife remembers him

"He is with me always"

Pandit Ravi Shankar at Woodstock

2020 marks the 100th birth anniversary of sitar maestro Pandit Ravi Shankar. Although there were plans to commemorate his life with a series of centennial concerts, the COVID-19 outbreak played spoilsport. There was, however, a virtual tribute organised, which saw the likes of his daughter Anoushka Shankar and disciples Vishwa Mohan Bhatt and Shubhendra Rao performing, along with a host of others. Additionally, there was also the release of his biography Indian Sun: The Life and Music of Ravi Shankar, by author Oliver Craske. In conversation with THE WEEK, Pandit Shankar’s wife Sukanya talks about the enduring memories of her husband.

How did Oliver Craske's book on Panditji come about? Can you tell us a bit about its contents?

Oliver has been planning it for over three years, I think. He worked with Raviji for the autobiography and seemed the natural choice. He has done a wonderful and thorough job, and I am so glad that he is getting raving reviews, that he so richly deserves, from the press.

How do you spend your leisure time these days, when you are not working to keep alive Panditji's legacy? What kind of activities do you do with your daughters and with your grandchildren?

I am a workaholic and hardly have time. When my daughters and grandchildren are with me, I put aside my work and make quality time for them. We are a fun loving family.

What is your most poignant and enduring memory of Panditji? Could you relate some anecdote/ incident concerning you and him?

Everything about him was very poignant and memorable as a musician or otherwise.

How would you describe your marriage? What was its best and worst parts?

My marriage was a fairytale one. It was beautiful and perfect. I could never see any negativity in our marriage.

What do you miss the most about Panditji and when do you miss him the most?

He is with me always, so I don’t miss him. I miss his voice everyday saying, “Did I tell you how much I love you? I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow”. He said this to me everyday. If I close my eyes and go into deep meditation, I can hear his voice.

Tell us one thing Panditji might have told you—a joke, a piece of advice, a compliment—that has always remained with you.

He said that for the life of me I can never say a joke! It is true as I always mess up. He complimented me everyday for everything.

“I have never laughed in my life like I have laughed with you, I thank god everyday for blessing me with you.”

“How I wish you had come to my life earlier.”

These words will always remain with me and I am so grateful to god for my blessings.

On his 100th birthday, what do you think is Panditji's legacy to the world?

His legacy is all around—his two beautiful daughters, his six grandchildren, six great grandchildren, so many wonderful disciples, so many musicians singing his ragas and playing his compositions. So many millions credit him for changing their lives for the better.