The Buddhist way for a mindful future

Buddhist media conclave in Delhi discusses conflict avoidance, sustainable development


What is Buddha’s relevance in today’s media and reportage? The connection was established and discussed at the 2nd International Buddhist Media Conclave. The importance of right breathing for a peaceful mind, and mindful communication through visual mediums, that is, refraining from negative content, were some of the topics for discussion.

Highlighting the importance of Dharma Alliance in Geneva, Switzerland, Prashant Sharma, founder of the forum, said Geneva, being the hotbed for geopolitical meets, needed the Dharma Alliance, a global platform to protect, preserve, and promote Dharma-based perspectives and practices.

Baichung Bhutia, also present at the event, emphasised that Buddhism is a way of life. “Buddha's teachings have the message of peace and sacrifice”, he said. Buddhism has a major role in ensuring peace and brotherhood and the media will have a crucial role in spreading the message of Buddhism across the world, he noted.

Arvind Gupta, director VIF, highlighted that thought and action were important to restore civilisational values. Over the years, Hindu and Buddhist scholars have had the opportunity to discuss these issues. He encouraged Buddhism’s focus on ethical conduct and enlightenment be imbibed by the media for balanced and ethical reporting. 

IBC secretary-general Shartse Khensur Rinpoche Jangchup Choeden called for a world driven by truthfulness, compassion, and altruism, the key attributes of Buddha’s teachings. At a time when greed and conflicts are rising, the guidance of Buddha is crucially needed, he stated.

Discussing India’s position here, chairman, VIF, Gurumurthy said great damage had been done to the world in the last few hundred years, and on the other hand, gave birth to the greatest philosophical traditions, he highlighted and had significant relevance for modern communication.

Interacting with the media, IBC DG Shri Abhijit Halder pointed out that the event witnessed enthusiastic responses from the media and that the IBC will organise its next conclave on a larger scale. It was high time the teachings of Buddha in the area of conflict avoidance and sustainable development were imbibed by the world, he said.

Organised by The International Buddhist Confederation (IBC) and the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) on the theme ‘Mindful Communication for Conflict Avoidance and Sustainable Development’, the conclave had several sessions like ‘Establishing A Buddhist Media and Social Media Networking’, Environment and Sustainable Development’, ‘Role of Media and Communication in 21st Century’ and ‘Application of Mindful Communication in Conflict Avoidance’.

Baichung Bhutia, former captain of the Indian football team was the guest of honour while Gurumurthy, chairman VIF, Ven Jangchuk Choeden, secretary general, IBC, Dr Arvind Gupta, director, VIF were joined by three-time Grammy awardee Ricky Kej. 

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