The CBI on Thursday filed an FIR against Videocon Group chairman Venugopal Dhoot and Deepak Kochhar, husband of former ICICI Bank MD and CEO Chanda Kochhar, in the Rs 3,250 crore loan case. CBI raids are underway at the Videocon headquarters in Mumbai and Aurangabad, and at Deepak Kochhar's Nupower office in Mumbai.
It is alleged that Videocon promoter Venugopal Dhoot allegedly invested crores of rupees in Nupower months after the Videocon group got Rs 3,250 crore as loan from the ICICI Bank in 2012. The agency had registered a preliminary enquiry against Videocon promoter Venugopal Dhoot, Deepak Kochhar and unidentified others in March last year.
A PE is a precursor before the agency lodges an FIR to probe criminal charges on the basis of evidence collected during the former exercise.
The agency has now converted it into an FIR, which means a full-blown investigation has been started by the agency after registration of a case.
The details of the FIR and names of the accused are awaited.
The case saw 56-year-old Chanda Kochhar, who rose through ranks to occupy the corner office of the ICICI Bank, stepping down unceremoniously after an illustrious career. Chanda has been accused of conflicts of interest, lack of disclosures and quid pro quo while extending loans to the now-bankrupt Videocon Industries.
(With PTI inputs)