Ford India on Friday said it is recalling 22,690 units of previous-generation of premium SUV Endeavour to check faulty airbag inflators. The company further said it is carrying out an inspection of battery monitoring system (BMS) wiring harnesses installation for all vehicles, numbering around 30,000 made at its Sanand plant between September 2017 and April 2019.
In a statement, Ford India said it is voluntarily inspecting front airbag inflators on 22,690 previous-generation Ford Endeavour vehicles.
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These vehicles were manufactured at the company's Chennai plant between February 2004 and September 2014, it added. Ford India also said the inspection of BMS wiring harnesses installation will cover all the units of Freestyle, New Figo and New Aspire models that were manufactured at its Sanand plant between September 2017 and April 2019.
Individual customers will be informed and requested to bring their car to the Ford dealership, the statement said. "These voluntary inspections are in line with the company's commitment to ensure complete peace-of-mind to its customers and long-term durability of their vehicles," the company added.