
Entrepreneur Timothy Luong on How To Become A Financially Independent Trader

Potential investors now have many more options with online trading than with traditional investing through the abundance of online platforms now. Instead of snail pace and phone calls to a broker, traders today feel omnipotent when they make purchases with the click of a button, observe the market in real-time, and execute transactions immediately. Today's market offers so many opportunities for new traders that it would be a sin not to take advantage of them.

Learning fundamental trading tactics before beginning on this profitable path is not only necessary; it is a prerequisite for success. As with driving a car, you must understand the laws of the road, perfect the skill, and overcome anxieties. Or, in athletics, having an experienced coach significantly boosts your chances of becoming a champion. Choosing a competent educational firm is no easy task: the market in this area is quite saturated. This is where competent trading education firms like  Stock Navigators come to the rescue.

Stock Navigators is the undisputed leader in the sector, adhering to high standards of training and financial counseling. The company's instructors are acknowledged specialists in economics and finance. We spoke with the company’s founder Timothy Luong to learn about the essential qualities any successful trader should possess on his journey to ever-increasing success in the sphere.

Always Keep Learning

A skilled trader understands how to efficiently manage his capital, assess all risks, and conduct technical analysis on which trades to take. Such a planned approach is what leads to consistent income and success.

“It is vital to keep learning and educating yourself in the stock market and financial literacy. It’s a skill that not many people have, and starting as early as you can only means being closer to achieving your own financial freedom”, Timothy tells us.

When Timothy puts his mind to something, there’s very little he cannot do. This is why when he first decided to begin trading, he fully dedicated himself to learning the markets and developing financial literacy. Then, with his dad’s one-of-a-kind strategy, Timothy became a profitable trader within only three months. Timothy's purpose today is to share his expertise with the rest of the world, empowering people to take control of their financial destinies.

Take Action Now

“There is no better moment to start learning than right now”, says Timothy.

"I will do it tomorrow", "I am impossibly tired", "I will not succeed." These excuses are familiar to us all. It is because of them that we are constantly postponing everything and losing time that is so precious. If you are tired of looking for excuses and waiting for the perfect moment to decide on something, then be sure to embark on your chosen journey RIGHT AWAY.

Create The Right Environment

Traders must concentrate and avoid distractions; it is critical to maintaining complete attention to carry out the plan, make the best judgments, and reach the finest results.

“The key thing is to create the right environment and dedicate oneself to achieving what you set out to accomplish. It’s not an easy road and there will be those 80 to 100 hour weeks, but this is how you beat the people who aren’t disciplined enough to put in the work necessary to achieve their goals”, says  Timothy Luong .

Trading is a solitary activity. But this does not mean that you have to isolate yourself and work alone. You can surround yourself with people who will help improve your trading. Psychology plays a huge role in any business, and who you surround yourself with can influence your mental state (for better or worse). Or, you can join a trading community and learn with others.

Failure is Part of Success

Timothy Luong believes that one is defined by not only their successes but also their failures. And although he has found his success, becoming founder and CEO of his very own trading education start-up, Timothy encountered plenty of failures on the road to get where he is today. His fashion business that never took off, multiple failed start-ups throughout his college experience, and side-gigs in high school that eventually ended - all failures that he learned from and used to bolster his next endeavor.

What was significant about these experiences is that although they failed to become the right project, they all served powerful lessons for the opportunity that followed. This is how Timothy was finally able to find success with  Stock Navigators . With all the knowledge he gained from his past failures,  Timothy Luong has been able to turn the firm into a multi-million dollar success.

Whether you wish to embark on a lucrative career in trading or are merely looking to learn from experts in the sphere,  Stock Navigators is a strong bet for any quest you might have in regards to successful trading.