
OmegaPro’s Million Dollar Mindset Training With Official Strategic Coach Eric Worre

Key Takeaways from Eric Worre’s Webinar with OmegaPro - Million Dollar Mindset.

The bandwidth of marketing as one of the most unique forms of business is largely dependent on the very individual – his strength of will, his urge to grow and ultimately, his collective motivation that redirects him in taking the right direction to expand his network, and eventually his business.

OmegaPro has firm belief in the aforesaid and actively pursues the core value of ‘The Best must only be trained by The Best’. OmegaPro’s almost 2.5 Million strong community is regularly trained and mentored by the absolute Legends of the business. From The ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ Jordan Belfort to The ‘Hip Hop Preacher’ Eric ‘E.T’ Thomas – The OmegaPro Super Training truly is exclusive and conclusive.

Taking the same idea and the initiative to the next level – OmegaPro has now entered into a long term strategic coaching relationship with none other than The Eric Worre to facilitate premium grooming for the premier community as The Official Strategic Coach A frequent speaker at the recurring OmegaPro Super Training Series and The Global Convention – Rise.

Eric Worre will now be more than just a one-time experience for the thriving community members as he slides into this magnificent role of educating the masses and the top leaders like never before. Though this man hardly needs a description, Eric Worre is the world’s most watched and most trusted human resource for intricate business training and support.

With an abundance of experience that spans over an incredible tally of 35 years, this partnership of Worre with OmegaPro can only be measured in pure gold. Not only will he be sharing his momentously vast knowledge with each keen member but he will hand hold them to the doorstep of assured, measurable results.

From the keynotes and the how-tos of building an organization with utmost effectiveness in the shortest amount of time to the nascent traits of that differentiates a great leader from a good leader - Eric Worre made his magnificent entry as OmegaPro’s Official Strategic Coach with the coveted ‘Million Dollar Mindset’ Webinar attended by over 20,000 people.

OmegaPro’s Appointment of Eric Worre Is Game Changing

From the nooks and crannies of learning to build the most amazing team to identifying the potential leaders within your network and organization – Worre’s training was designed to cover each aspect.

And the scope of this epic association only keeps getting bigger and better as Eric Worre himself will step into the field of education as his rigorous presentations will take the audience through the knowledge of event mapping in the paradigm of the marketing business, how to use them the best for your organizational growth and the right ways to release the local shackles and go international as a pro-marketer.

Official Strategic Coach Eric Worre Addresses The OmegaPro Community in Global Convention Rise, hosted in Panama earlier this year.

With the community’s ambition and dreams at the helm of this OmegaPro ship harbored by the Corporates providing the members with the perfect platform – Eric Worre becomes nothing but the last additive catalyst to transform this opportunity into nothing short of a launch pad – capable of changing lives in the brisk of an action.

Here is a summary from the ‘Million Dollar Mindset’ seminar that will help anyone to tap into the depths of the business.

Eric Worre classifies people under two categories:

1. Employee-minded people

A majority of the world’s population infelicitously dwells in this pigeonhole, dwindling to find a work-life balance. People are programmed to work. They have been educated just to follow orders. To Eric Worre, that is his quandary with conventional education. It programs people to work for a job rather than working for themselves.

Eric says, employee-mindedness is where unlimited growth stops. It is a life of mediocrity. It is a life of constraints and restraints. An Employee-minded person always seeks constant leadership, supervision, support, help, and assistance.

Many a time, they consider work as an obligation. These people associate work with pain. They avoid taking risks, prefer the security of a stable job and work to please their employers while taking home a fixed income, years on out.

2. Entrepreneur-minded people

Unlike employee-minded people, they are self-actualized and self-sufficient. They make up only a fraction of the world’s population. They ascribe work with passion, purpose, commitment and excitement, for there is no retiring from passion. Entrepreneur-mindset is a way of thinking that enables one to overcome obstacles, challenges, be decisive, and accept responsibility for outcomes. It is a constant need to improve skills, learn from mistakes, and take risks and continuous actions. Entrepreneur-minded people decide what to do with their time, set their own schedules and work diligently with utmost discipline. They recognize the seasons of life and put all their energy into each one of them.

For them, “Time flies and Friday is just another day to do what they love”.

Defining Assured Success With OmegaPro’s Legendary Coach

Success is a mental game. Success depends on how one reacts to adversity. Good leaders are sculpted by crisis, while others are destroyed by it. Good leaders are defined by crises. In life, let alone in the marketing business, 99% of people live between survival and crisis, bouncing between the two, living inside a pre-defined box.

Welcome To The People’s Business - Eric Worre Educates A Keen OmegaPro Audience In One of The Latest Events.

People’s actions are defined by circumstances – external reasons. People respond to these triggers. These triggers can be anything – mortgage, unforeseen expenses, family emergencies, tuition fees, etc. – crises. To fight a crisis people work and get into survival mode. And once the crisis has been averted, they relax until the next crisis shows up and get into survival mode again. The constant juggling between survival and crisis – the box – is the reason why most people do not see success.

“Survival is a product of external reasons whereas success is a product of internal reasons.”

OmegaPro – The Vehicle to Success

Eric Worre considers OmegaPro as the vehicle for success. It allows people to express the best versions of themselves to become their best versions. With the community-centric motto and people-come-first approach of OmegaPro – as evidenced by the OmegaPro Legend’s Cup and the Global Convention ‘Rise’ events – success is merely an outgrowth of hard work, commitment, discipline, confidence and having an Entrepreneur-mindset.

Even the most cathartic moment in life can be the definitive turning point in life. Commit to growth, commit to evince a winner’s attitude, commit to learning constantly, and commit to living life with ultimate confidence.

According to Eric Worre, with this simple trick, one can change the thought process, reprogram the mind and learn to think like a business owner. However, it is also crucial to change the way people think about their current lives, jobs and circumstances.

Entrepreneur-minded people rest just enough so that they can get to work. Whereas, employee-minded people work just enough so that they can rest. See obstacles as opportunities to grow – for there is no riddle with an answer, for there is no puzzle without a solution.

He says, “If you hate your current work, get excited about the aspects of it that you like, and bring value to it”. One cannot attract abundance while living in a lack mindset.

“Change your narrative, Change your life.”