Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, on Tuesday, inaugurated the 5G services provided by Jio in Kochi city and Guruvayur temple premises.
Vijayan launched Jio True 5G and Jio True 5G Powered Wi-Fi services, digitally from Thiruvananthapuram.
Speaking at the event, Vijayan said the 5G services in the long run will bring transformational benefits for people of Kerala.
Jio, in a release said, it has invested over Rs 6,000 crore for deploying the 5G network in Kerala and will be launching 5G services in Thiruvananthapuram by the end of this month followed by Thrissur, Kozhikode, and Malappuram by January 2023.
"By December 2023 every tehsil and taluk of Kerala will have Jio's 5G services," the release said.
It said 5G will also enable citizens and the government to remain connected on a real time basis and will also improve implementation and efficiency of government schemes for the last mile user.
Jio group epxressed their gratitude towards the Chief Minister and the Kerala government for extending their support in digitising Kerala.
The service provider said from December 20, the existing Jio users in Kochi and Guruvayur will be invited to the newly launched welcome offer, to experience unlimited data at up to one Gbps speed, at no additional cost.