Mukesh Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Industries, received a death threat via email demanding Rs 20 Crore on Friday, warning that failure to comply would result in his demise. The email further claimed that the perpetrators possessed the services of the "best shooters in India."
Upon receiving the alarming email, the security in-charge of Mukesh Ambani immediately filed a complaint with the Gamdevi Police in Mumbai. The police swiftly registered a case against an unknown individual under sections 387 and 506 (2) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The investigation is currently underway to identify and apprehend the perpetrator responsible for this heinous act.
This isn't the first time that Mukesh Ambani and his family have faced such threats. In 2022, an unidentified caller targeted the Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital, threatening to detonate explosives on its premises. Another incident in August 2022 led to the arrest of a jeweler who had allegedly threatened to harm the industrialist and his family members.
Mumbai Police had previously arrested a resident of Bihar for making anonymous calls, vowing to target the Ambani family and their residence, 'Antilia,' along with the HN Reliance Foundation Hospital.
In a separate incident in 2021, an SUV laden with explosives was discovered near Mukesh Ambani's residence in south Mumbai. The vehicle's owner, businessman Hiran, was later found dead in a creek in neighboring Thane.