Delhi-based start-up Jomiso Consulting to design Early Warning System of world’s largest dam in Africa

Key components of the project include customisation, installation, and training


An Indian start-up has bagged a project to design the Early Warning System (EWS) of the world’s largest dam situated in Africa. The EWS is a monitoring mechanism that sends out a warning signal to the areas downstream for timely intervention in case of a potential hazard. 

Countries around the world, including India, are getting increasingly attentive to equipping large reservoirs with early warning systems, especially in view of the devastating cost climate change has been inflicting on people, putting lives at risk every year. The new dam safety law in India also mandates that a robust and effective EWS be installed in all dams.   

A New Delhi-based company, Jomiso Consulting, a water resource firm secured in June the contract to design the EWS for Kariba Dam situated on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. The dam sits on the Zambezi river since 1959 and provides 1830 megawatts of hydroelectric power to both countries besides holding back the world’s largest reservoir. Therefore, the EWS directly bolster disaster resilience for three million people downstream of the Kariba Dam, who are prone to vulnerability and flood risks. The project involves the implementation of an advanced EWS integrating hydraulic modelling and flood mapping techniques to anticipate various release scenarios and provide timely alerts in the event of an eventuality.

Vijay Kumar Dubey, director, Jomiso Consulting, told The WEEK that his firm considers itself fortunate to work on a project which will directly benefit three million people. “We are delighted to expand our footprints outside India as we embark on this journey to extend our expertise in disaster resilience to communities worldwide. This opportunity not only allows us to broaden our horizons but also enables us to share insights from our extensive experience with similar projects in India.” 

Dubey said key components of the project include customisation, installation, and training to ensure the effective functioning of the EWS. “By harnessing technological innovation and expertise, Jomiso Consulting is poised to deliver a comprehensive solution that addresses the unique challenges faced by Kariba Dam – the world’s largest reservoir.” 

He said the installation of a robust EWS will help in combating the effects of climate change and fostering a safer sustainable future across the world.

The EWS in the Kariba dam will also incorporate advanced hydraulic modelling and flood mapping techniques to anticipate various release scenarios and design a mix of community and advanced technology based early warning system.

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