Indian Army looking at local dogs for military work

Not just GSDs and Labradors, but Rampurs and Mudhols too

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Amid the ongoing 'atmanirbharta' effort and preference for things local, the Indian Army has a growing use for indigenous dog breeds too, with focus on using more and more local breeds for various functions and operations.

"We continue to invest in breeding, training and deploying, human’s best friend. Besides German Shepherds (GSDs),  Belgian Malinois and Labradors, the Remount and Veterinary Corps (RVC) has inducted local breeds like Mudhol hound, Chippiparai, Rajapalayam and also trying out Rampur Hounds," said a top Army official mandated with the task.

While mainly foreign breeds like German Shepherds, Labradors, Belgian Shepherds and Great Swiss Mountain dogs dominated the dog contingent in the Indian Army which are trained by the Remount and Veterinary Corps (RVC), local breeds are being increasingly looked at. Military dogs are an indispensable part of war-fighting both in counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism environments and conventional operations.

There are several hundreds of dogs in the Indian Army. These dogs perform various functions—to assault, guard, track, conduct patrolling operations with the infantry, detect explosives, detect mines, detect narcotics, avalanche rescue operations etc. "There is also significant technology absorption to augment military dogs’ efficacy during operations and training,"  the official added. 

This Independence Day, Kent, a  Labrador, was named in the “Mention-in-Despatches” for gallantry. Kent led from the front in a counter-insurgency operation in Rajouri and laid down her life trying to protect her handler from militants who had begun firing. Many Indian Army canines have been awarded in recent years for gallantry.  


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