
AI vital for strategic balance, says Lt Gen JP Mathew; calls for rule-based global order for peace at Indo-Pacific

The Chief of Integrated Defence Staff to the Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee was speaking at the Indo-Pacific Chiefs of Defence conference

A rule-based international order and the primacy of global institutions are significant for maintaining peace in the emerging multipolar and multilateral world, Lt General J.P. Mathew, Chief of Integrated Defence Staff to the Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee (CISC), stressed at the recently held Indo-Pacific Chiefs of Defence conference.

The conference titled ‘The Future Indo-Pacific: Building a Resilient and Interconnected Region’, held in Hawaii in the US from September 18 to 20 discussed issues raging from future of the Indo-Pacific, safeguarding the international system, regional capacity building, and threats and opportunities of emerging technologies. The meeting was held with the intention of improving military-to-military cooperation.

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Lt General Mathew noted that all the stakeholders in the Indo-Pacific region, especially the developing countries, want peace, stability, and prosperity. With international forums undergoing much-needed reforms, flexible and dynamic councils could present solutions to deal with contemporary challenges, he added.

The participants agreed on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a general-purpose technology which has a multiplier effect on other technologies and functions. “A robust AI model, which is under constant training, could give policy fidelity and maintain checks and balances, especially in matters related to the use of strategic weapons,” a defence ministry release stated.

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The meeting also arrived at the conclusion that the imposition of strict regulations on AI would be a regressive step as it may lead to the denial of this important technology to developing countries.