Sridevi's elder daughter Janhvi Kapoor celebrated her 21st birthday on Tuesday. As the young star struggles to cope with the untimely demise of her mother, the Kapoor family stood by her to make the day special. The Kapoor girls—Khushi, Sonam, Rhea, Anshula, and Shanaya—got together to celebrate Janhvi's birthday.
Janhvi also visited an old age home in Mumbai, and cut a birthday cake. Earlier on Tuesday, Sonam Kapoor posted a lovely photo of Janhvi and wished her sister with a lovely message on Instagram. “To one of the strongest girls I know, who became a woman today. Happy birthday jannu,” she wrote.
Janhvi is set to make her Bollywood debut with Dhadak, starring opposite Ishaan Khatter. A few days ago, Janhvi penned an emotional note on Instagram, after her mother's passing. “There's a gnawing hollowness in my chest that I know I'll have to learn how to live with. Even with all this emptiness, I still feel your love,” she wrote.