Telugu actor-politician Pawan Kalyan on Friday, posted a series of tweets reacting to actress Sri Reddy's abusive rant against him on television. “If I cannot defend the honour of my mother I better die,” he wrote.
Another member of the Dream Team “Open heart RK “, who openly got my mother abused in public got mileage and TRP also..
— Pawan Kalyan (@PawanKalyan) April 20, 2018
He questioned the Telugu media as to why they were repeatedly telecasting her abusive comments and gestures used against him. Will they do the same against other politicians too, he asked. “But only Pawan Kalyan and his ageing and frail mother deserves such abusive rants and repeated telecasts, analysis and debates, he said.
You all love & die for Shows which will get highest TRPS for your channels, right?? .. Good !!I will give the Mother of all Shows.
— Pawan Kalyan (@PawanKalyan) April 20, 2018
Interesting fact,The current Dream team also has Mothers, sisters, Daughters , Daughter in laws and all the women. But their women are secured and safe but my Poor, frail, aging 70 year old mother had to get abused for their TRPs and political benefits
— Pawan Kalyan (@PawanKalyan) April 20, 2018
Telugu actress Sri Reddy has remained in the news recently for her fight against sexual harassment in the Tollywood, and accusations against certain high profile names. Recently, she abused actor-turned-politician Pawan Kalyan for his advice on how to deal with casting couch. The derogatory language used had angered fans and other actors alike. Pawan Kalyan had advised Sri Reddy to go the courts for justice, not the media. “It will be no use if she does not fight her case in courts. Only the government can give her justice,” he had said.
In a fresh development on Thursday, director Ram Gopal Varma had come out with a video claiming that he instigated Reddy to attack Pawan Kalyan.
“It was my suggestion, and I am to be blamed. It wasn’t Sri Reddy’s idea. If somebody has to apologise, it is me. Although I didn’t abuse Pawan Kalyan, I influenced Sri Reddy to do so,” the director said.