The makers of Sui Dhaaga: Made in India, starring Varun Dhawan and Anushka Sharma, have come up with an innovative idea to promote India's traditional fabrics and handicraft. The team reached out to various craftsmen across the country, and asked them to create the film's logo in their own style. The logo will be released on August 7, which also happens to be National Handloom Day.
"We reached out to 15 uniquely skilled artists/artist groups who helped us design our film logo. It has been an exhaustive and most rewarding experience for all of us at Yash Raj Films (YRF)," Manan Mehta, Vice President - Marketing and Merchandising, Yash Raj Films, said in a statement. Over a span of six months, the logo has been designed din 15 styles that celebrate the country's unique styles—be it the Kashida from Kashmir, Phulkari work from Punjab or the Pipli applique from Odisha.
The film, directed by Sharad Kataria, celebrates the Make in India campaign and individuals' attempts to be self-reliant. Sui Dhaaga releases on September 28.