After Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan, actor Vijay appears to be the next Tamil movie star nursing political aspirations. Speaking at A.R. Murugadoss’s Sarkar audio lunch at Sairam Engineering College in Chennai, Vijay hinted at his electoral ambitions. “If I ever become chief minister in real life, I will not act as one. I will do my duties honestly,” Vijay said, to huge applause from the audience. When asked what he would do if he becomes the chief minister, he said, “I want to root out corruption. It is a difficult task, because it has become part and parcel of our lives. But, we can do it if we have an ambitious leadership.”
Stating that justice will prevail one day, even if it is late, he told his fans that things will soon change for the good. “That is how nature works. One day, a leader will emerge when things have to change.” Thanking the Sarkar team, including music director A.R. Rahman, director A.R. Murugadoss and Kalanithi Maran of Sun Pictures, Vijay compared Sarkar to his previous Mersal. “Mersal had a bit of politics,” said Vijay. “But politics in Sarkar will be mersal (amazing).” Taking a dig at the ruling parties in the state and the Centre, he said, “We have to work hard to taste success. But, there is a group which works to ensure we don’t succeed. Play carefully in your life, because life is a game,” he told his fans. The actor even took some political digs. “Usually, after the elections, a government is formed. But, here, we will form the sarkar (government) and then contest the elections.”
Elated by his speech, his fans in the gallery erupted in loud cheers. Hitting back at Vijay, Revenue Minister R.B. Udhaya Kumar said, “It is not easy to become a chief minister in real life. He [Vijay] can act as a CM. It is a new trend in Tamil Nadu to criticise the government. We are working for the people. So, let him do his acting alone.”
A year before, in October, the ruling BJP took to the streets of Tamil Nadu to protest against Vijay and seeking a ban on his Mersal for politically loaded dialogues on GST and demonetisation. Vijay, on his part, stayed away from political sabre-rattling. His father S.A. Chandrasekhar took to the media to talk about his cinema, career and ambitions. Unlike Rajinikanth, who recently launched his party Rajini Makkal Mandram (RMM), or Kamal Haasan, seeking a political entry with Makkal Needhi Maiam (MNM), Vijay does all the social work through his fan club. Popularly known as Thalapathy Makkal Iyakkam, the fan club was launched at Pudukottai in July 2009. The fan club, involved in philanthropic activities, pledged its support to the AIADMK in 2011 elections. His recent films Thuppakki, Thalaiva, Kaavalan and Mersal have obliquely hinted at his electoral aspirations.
In the recent years, fans of Vijay have been very active on the ground, carrying out philanthropic activities. Reportedly, Makkal Iyakkam has over 50 lakh members. Of late, he has been voicing his opinions of issues of public importance. His support to the jallikattu protests in January and his meeting with NEET victim Anitha's father were some of the many indications.