Malayalam actor Joju George, who won the Kerala state award for the best supporting actor is excited. Expressing happiness, the actor said there is nothing better than getting nominated from among big names.
“When I came to know that my name was there in the final list, I was overjoyed because this is something that I had never expected. And achieving this award is equal to winning 10 Oscars for me,” said Joju.
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The actor won the award for the portrayal of his role in the movies Joseph directed by Padmakumar and Chola directed by Sanal Kumar Sasidharan.
Interestingly, Joju celebrated 100 days of the release of Joseph on Monday along with the film crew. The movie was an important one in his career as he played the lead actor for the first time.
Chola, on the other hand, had Nimisha Sajayan and Joy Mathew along with Joju in pivotal roles. The movie revolved around power politics and feminine identity.
(This story originally appeared in Onmanorama)