Pakistani actor Veena Malik, who was part of a handful of Bollywood movies and was a contestant in Bigg Boss in 2010, called Prime Minister Narendra Modi 'stupid' in one of her Twitter comments.
The actor, while reacting to an article posted by an Indian-born academic and professor Ashok Swain on Twitter, said, "Told You Guys... He's Stupid." Ashok Swain, in his tweet, had said, "Modi's Balakot Stupidity is Killing Air India!” while tweeting the article.
The article was about how the closure of Pakistani airspace adversely affected Air India.
A few days ago, Veena Malik had said she would not work in India again. According to media reports, the actor said she learned a lot working in India and added that she became mature professionally through those experiences. She, however, said she decided to stop working in Indian film industry as the industry never recognises the works of a Pakistani artist.
She further said she would not work in India again and claimed that she did female-centric films in India even though she had opportunities to work with big stars like Salman Khan, according to media reports.
Earlier, in the wake of the capture of Indian pilot Abhinandan Varthaman, Veena Malik had taken a dig at Prime Minister Modi, calling him 'chaiwala'. "The difference between a chaiwala and an Oxford graduateVictory hand #LetBetterSensePrevail," she had tweeted. Her statement came right after Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan promised in parliament that they would return Varthaman to India.