Southern actor Siddharth has been taking on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP for quite some time now. The actor, who in a recent tweet, took a dig at Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar's interview with the prime minister by inviting US President Donald Trump for an interview saying, “I have crucial questions about how you eat fruit, your sleep and work habits and also your cute personality, has now taken another potshot at the prime minister.
In a recent tweet, the actor said the prime minister's recent attack on former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi "corrupt", was “Distressing”. “The life of #RajivGandhi did not just end. It was violently ended. He was murdered the same way our soldiers in #Pulwama were. No #PrimeMinister has ever set the bar for decency so very low. Distressing. #Shame,” he tweeted.
The prime minister, while addressing a campaign rally in Uttar Pradesh on Saturday, targeted Rajiv Gandhi while attacking Congress president Rahul Gandhi and said, "Your father was termed Mr Clean by his courtiers, but his life ended as bhrashtachari (corrupt) no 1."
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The comment attracted much criticism from from various quarters, with the Congress accusing PM Modi of lowering the political discourse to gutter level. "Modi will go down in the history as the only PM since India's independence who dragged political discourse to gutter level. I would like to tell him that history does not forget those who insult martyrs," senior Congress leader Anand Sharma said.
Condeming Modi's statement, MNS chief Raj Thackeray said the country will not pardon him for the remarks.
"I cannot believe that a man from Mahatma Gandhi's soil Gujarat would go to that level and make a comment on someone who died with great honour," Congress leader Sam Pitroda said.
(With PTI inputs)