Veteran actor-filmmaker Vijaya Nirmala passed away on Thursday morning in Hyderabad. She was 75.
Her son Naresh, took to Twitter to confirm the news. “I regret to inform you that my Mother, senior Artiste, prominent Producer & Director, Dr. G Vijayanirmala Garu passed away during early hours today, that is, 27.6.2019, at Continental Hospitals, Hyderabad, due to sickness. She was 75,” he tweeted.
A successful actor, she also directed and produced films. Born in Tamil Nadu, she made her debut at the age of seven with a Tamil movie Machcha Rekhai. She debuted in Telugu in the film Rangula Ratnam. Her first Malayalam film—Bhargavi Nilayam (1964) in which she starred opposite Prem Nazir—gave her the much-needed career break. She acted in over 200 films in Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu.
She also directed 40 films in Telugu and one each in Malayalam and Tamil. As producer, she bankrolled 15 films under her banner Vijay Krishna Movies.
Vijaya Nirmala went on to marry yesteryear superstar Krishna, after divorcing her first husband Krishna Murthy. Naresh is her son from the first marriage; she has no children with Krishna.
Celebrities have been taking to social media to pay tributes to the pioneering filmmaker.
Vijaya Nirmala Garu was a pioneering filmmaker whose life is an inspiration for many. Extremely saddened to hear the news. Extending my deepest condolences to her family. #RIPVijayaNirmalaGaru
— Jr NTR (@tarak9999) June 27, 2019
Extremely saddened to hear of the passing of Vijaya Nirmala garu an iconic force in TFI who laid the path for women technicians in the industry . As an actor /producer /director she will remain a true inspiration . Strength to the family. RIP
— Baby Akkineni (@Samanthaprabhu2) June 27, 2019
You came, Created History where no one can come close to it for the ages to come and now u left us ... Will Miss u Nanni, Rest In Peace ... Strength to Family , Friend’s ,Welwishers and Fans ...#VijayaNirmala Garu Your movies will Remain Forever 🙏🏻
— MM*🙏🏻❤️ (@HeroManoj1) June 27, 2019