The Uttar Pradesh Working Journalist Union (UPWJU), an affiliate of Indian Federation of Working Journalists (IFWJ), has slammed Kangna Ranaut for threatening a Mumbai based senior entertainment journalist during a press conference recently.
The state president of UPWJU, Bhaskar Dubey, and IFWJ national secretary Siddharth Kalhans, in a statement issued in Lucknow on Saturday condemned Kangna Ranaut for insulting journalists and threatening them. Supporting the ban imposed on the coverage of Kangna, they said that instead of offering an apology the actor has served legal notice to the media persons.
Kangna and her sister-cum-manager Rangoli Chandel have been mocking and insulting the media with their tweets and videos. Requesting organisations of film producers and artists to intervene in the matter, the IFWJ demanded that such people should be banned in the entertainment industry.
The UPWJU has around 2,300 members across 52 districts in the state while the IFWJ is a 18,000 member body.