Filmmaker Boney Kapoor whose maiden Tamil production Nerkonda Paarvai, tweeted that he was fulfilling his wife Sridevi's dream. “I am truly blessed. 9 am IST today Premiere Show of Nerkonda Paarvai will start in Singapore. I have managed to fulfil my wife Sridevi Kapoor’s dream (sic),” he tweeted.
The Ajith-starrer which debuted in Singapore on Tuesday, releases on Thursday. Directed by H. Vinoth, Nerkonda Paarvai is an official Kollywood remake of the Bollywood movie, Pink, which had Taapsee Pannu and Amitabh Bachchan in the lead. It is said Ajith had promised Sridevi, before her death, that he would do a Tamil film with Boney Kapoor's production.
I am truly blessed 9am IST today Premiere Show of @nerkondapaarvai will start in Singapore. I have managed to fullfil my wife Sridevi Kapoor’s dream
— Boney Kapoor (@BoneyKapoor) August 6, 2019
It couldn’t have been possible without the support of #AjithKumar #HVinoth, entire cast & technicians. I shall always cherish this
While Ajith will play the character played by Bachchan in the original, Shraddha Srinath will reprise the role played by Taapsee. The movie also marks the Tamil debut of Bollywood actor Vidya Balan, who is rumoured to be playing the role of the wife of Ajith's character.
Other actors in the movie include Abhirami Venkatachalam, Adhik Ravichandran and Arjun Chidambaram.
Earlier, it was revealed that Nerkonda Paarvai will be simultaneously released in China, making it the second Kollywood movie to be released in that country after Rajinikanth's 2.0.