The makers of Saif Ali Khan's upcoming film Laal Kaptaan released the trailer on Tuesday. The trailer shows Saif Ali Khan in a rather intriguing setting—in the role of a Naga sadhu, out on 'the hunt'. The film, touted to be a revenge drama, is directed by NH 10 helmer Navdeep Singh. The movie is produced by Aanand L Rai's Colour Yellow Productions.
While the trailer sparks interest in the film, it is Saif's look in the poster and the trailer that has got the internet talking. Many took to social media to point out that with the long hair, bandana, and kohl-rimmed eyes, Saif looked like Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Fans are disappointed with the film's team for 'copying' the look from Hollywood.
This is not the first time a Bollywood character was likened to Jack Sparrow. Last year, Aamir Khan's look from Thugs of Hindostan drew similar criticism.
Deepak Dobriyal, Zoya Hussain and Manav Vij also star in Laal Kaptaan, set for release on October 18.