Actress Meera Chopra, on Tuesday, received rape and death threats from fans of Telugu actor Jr. NTR after she said does not know him, during an #AskMeera session on Twitter.
Meera said that it happened when a fan asked her about her favourite actor from the south Indian film industry, and she said it was Mahesh Babu. When asked if she liked Jr NTR, she said she did not know him and was not a fan. “As soon as I said that, I was bombarded with abuses, murder threats, rape threats, character assassination and threats against my parents. I have got close to 30,000 abusive tweets so far,” the Indian Express reported her as saying.
Meera, who was last seen in Bollywood film Section 375, retweeted some of the messages she received and also tagged Jr. ntr. “@tarak9999 i didnt kno that ill be called a bitch, whore and a pornstar, just bcoz i like @urstrulyMahesh more then you. And your fans will send my parents such wishes. Do u feel successful with such a fan following? And i hope u dont ignore my tweet!!!,” she tweeted.
She added: “Well i didnt know not being somebody’s fan was a crime.. i want to say this loud to all the girls that if you are not a fan of @tarak9999, u could be raped, murdered, gangraped, ur parents could be killed as tweeted by his fans. They r totally spoiling the name of their idol.”
Singer Chinmayi Sripada who has been a crusader of the MeToo movement, supported Chopra and suggested she file a case.
On Wednesday, Meera thanked National Commission for Women Chairperson Rekha Sharma for helping her file an FIR, and thanked everyone who supported her.