Kannada film producer Indrajit Lankesh, who created a controversy by calling out the Sandalwood's alleged drug links and deposed before the Central Crime Branch police, tendered a public apology to Meghana Raj, actor and wife of late actor Chiranjeevi Sarja, over his remarks about the actor's death.
Lankesh arrived at the Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce office on Saturday, after being summoned by the chamber as Meghana Raj had written a letter to the chamber, expressing her anguish and pain at Lankesh's remarks.
"I apologise to Meghana Raj and her family if I have hurt them with my words. I take back my words. I don't become small or big by tendering an apology," said Lankesh, who had remarked that no postmortem was conducted when a young actor died recently, which had raised suspicions that Sarja might have had drug links.
Clarifying his earlier statement, Lankesh said, "I did not mean to say Chiranjeevi Sarja had drug links. I had only stated that when a young actor dies at 37, a postmortem had to be conducted. I had taken back my words immediately after Mr Sa Ra Govindu told me these words were hurtful to the grieving family," said Lankesh.
"I never meant to tarnish the family's image. I was equally pained at his untimely demise. Meghana's family and Sarjas have made immense contribution to the film industry. As a child I used to accompany my father to Ravindra Kalakshetra and Meghana's parents, who were rehearsing for the plays with my father, used to carry me," said Lankesh, recalling his bond with Meghana's family.
Even as he apologised to Meghana, Lankesh reiterated that he would continue his fight against the drug menace in the industry. "I am not blaming the entire industry. Perhaps, less than two per cent of Sandalwood might be part of this racket. It is time we fight this together. I am pained that a member of this film family (industry) has been arrested. But I will continue to raise my voice," said Lankesh.
Expressing happiness over the police action in the drug case, Lankesh said, "The police acted promptly and is doing a thorough probe. The media coverage of the probe too has helped send out a strong message to our youth that drug consumption (abuse) and peddling are criminal offences. As a realist, I know we cannot completely root out the menace as it has international nexus. The world is suffering from this. But we can make a honest effort to save our youth as drugs like ganja and cocaine are freely available to children and youths near schools and colleges. It is alarming."
Meanwhile, the film chamber, which was initially in a state of denial about the industry's drug links, extended their support to Lankesh, after the arrest of Sandalwood actor Ragini Dwivedi, who has been booked under NDPS Act and for criminal conspiracy.
"We want the clean up of the industry and want to support Lankesh in this fight against drug abuse. We cannot allow a couple of people to ruin the reputation of Sandalwood which was built by stalwarts," said Sa Ra Govindu, former president of the chamber.