Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar, during an Instagram Live session with adventurer and Into the Wild host Bear Grylls and his Bell Bottom co-star Huma Qureshi revealed that he used to drink cow urine every day.
When Qureshi asked Grylls how he convinced the actor to drink “elephant poo tea,” as was shown in the promo of the special episode of Into the Wild, featuring Kumar, shot at Bandipur National Park and Tiger Reserve, the Khiladi star said he wasn't too worried about the whole thing. "I was too see I have, because of Ayurvedic reasons I have had cow's urine every day, I drank. So this was okay.”
Reacting to Kumar's admission of drinking cow urine, Grylls said "not many of my guests say that."
The actor said he wasn't worried about shooting in the wild. "I wasn’t worried. I was too excited to be worried,” he said and added that he was sure that he was in good hands.
The actor said shooting with Grylls was “the highlight of the show.” "For me the most important thing was crossing the small stream with the rope...I enjoyed myself," he said.
Grylls said the episode with Kumar was fun as from the get-go, the actor was up for “doing stuff.”
The episode with the Bollywood actor will premiere on September 11 at 8 pm on Discovery Plus and will be telecast on Discovery channel on September 14 at 8 pm.
According to media reports, Kumar shot for the episode in the Bandipur National Park in January. Before Akshay, PM Modi and Tamil superstar Rajinikanth have featured on the show.