Legendary singer Asha Bhosle on Monday said her Instragram account has been restored, hours after it was hacked. The 87-year-old singer said she received a malicious "copyright violation" message after which her account was hacked.
The music icon later tweeted a screenshot of the message and alerted her fans to not respond to it, in case they receive it from her profile. Hours later, Bhosle regained access to her account.
"This is to officially announce that thanks to the prompt response and fabulous support of the Instagram team, my account has been returned to me. Thank you all for your patience," the singer tweeted.
While her more than two-lakh followers have remained, Bhosle's account currently shows zero posts.
Recently, actor-politician Urmila Matondkar, celebrity interior designer Sussanne Khan, actor Vikrant Massey and choreographer-director Farah Khan's social media accounts were also hacked.