Rajini Chandy, the 69-year-old Oru Muthassi Gadha actor, was trolled after posting images of a photoshoot deemed “too sexy” on Instagram. The pictures were taken by 29-year-old photographer Athira Joy. All the offensive comments seemed to have been taken off Instagram and Facebook.
Chandy, who usually dresses in colourful sarees, is seen wearing jumpsuits, dresses and distressed jeans. The images were posted on Facebook, too.
The housewife-turned-actor is also seen in one of the photos, accessorising her look with a crown of flowers.
Chandy, who also featured in season 2 of Bigg Boss Malayalam, had earlier posted old pictures of herself wearing swimsuits when she was vacationing. The actor later pulled down those images down as she was trolled for those, too.
The actor told BBC that the photoshoot was Joy’s idea and it was supposed to be fun.
Chandy has starred in movies like Gandhinagaril Unniyarcha and the Prithviraj-starrer Gambler.
Joy said her own 65-year-old mother is “a typical Indian woman who suffers from all sorts of health issues that 60 plus women face”.
“But Rajini is different – she takes care of herself, she’s fit, she’s bold, she’s beautiful, she’s fashionable,” she added.
While there were many abusive comments, lot of netizens showered her with praise and showed their support by commenting that she has proved age is just a number and that they love her confidence.