The online hearing by the Delhi High Court on the plea filed by actor-environmentalist Juhi Chawla against the setting up of 5G wireless networks in the country while raising issues related to the technology's radiation impact on citizens, animals, flora and fauna was interrupted by someone singing a song 'Ghoonghat ki aad se Dilbar ka' from the Hum Hain Rahi Pyar Ke, featuring the actor.
After the court proceedings was interrupted on Wednesday by the humming of the song, Justice J.R. Midha asked the singer to "please mute."
The proceedings was interrupted again by someone singing another Bollywood song, prompting the judge to say that the person should be identified and a contempt notice should be sent. The details of the singer should also be shared with Delhi Police, he said.
Lawyer of the actor-environmentalist, Deepak Khosla, said, "I hope this is not being done by some respondent," reported Hindustan Times.
The Delhi High Court, meanwhile, asked Chawla to file a short note on her plea.
The plea, filed through Khosla, claimed that these 5G wireless technology plans threaten to provoke serious, irreversible effects on humans and permanent damage to the earth's ecosystems.
The suit, filed by Chawla, Veeresh Malik and Teena Vachani, has said if the telecom industry's plans for 5G come to fruition, no person, animal, bird, insect and plant on earth will be able to avoid exposure, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to levels of RF radiation that are 10x to 100x times greater than what exists today.
The suit has sought a direction to the authorities to certify to the public at large that how 5G technology is safe to humans, animals and every type of living organism, flora and fauna.
—With PTI inputs