Actress Mahhi Vij who lost her brother to COVID-19 recently, shared a heartwarmimg post about him and thanked everyone who helped them during the tough times. She also expressed gratitude to Sonu Sood and Bharti Singh, who helped her and her brother.
Sharing a photograph of her brother, she wrote: “I haven’t lost you I have found you brother.You are my strength.I love you baby bro today,now n forever.Until we meet again love you bacha.”
In another post, she thanked Sood for helping her family find a bed for her brother. She wrote: “Thank you @sonu_sood for helping us get a bed for my brother. At times when I had no courage you gave me hope. I would Hope that my brother will be home when somewhere you were battling with the truth. I am forever thankful to you.🙏 Thankful for your strength, for your heart that is genuinely trying to help, thankful for your courage, thankful for your positivity and for all the help you are providing to thousands and millions who are in need of help!”
Along with the note, Mahhi Vij posted a picture of Sonu Sood‘s tweet for her brother which read, “A 25 years boy whom we were trying to save, lost his battle to covid today. All these days despite knowing that his survival chances of survival were minimal. l would speak to the doctor everyday with hope. Never had the guts to share the reality with his parents, who knew what was coming. When u lose someone, u wish u could save someone.”
Sood and his Foundation have been helping people find beds, medicines, oxygen as the country battled the second wave of COVID-19.