Actor Shah Rukh Khan has finally put an end to speculations about his OTT debut. On Tuesday, he teased fans by announcing his OTT venture SRK+. He captioned the post, “Kuch kuch hone wala hai, OTT ki duniya mein (Something is going to happen in the world of OTT).”
But it is Salman Khan who revelaed the details and confirmed Shah Rukh's move. Salman retweeted SRK's post and wrote, "Aaj ki party teri taraf se @iamsrk. Congrats on your new OTT app, SRK+."
Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap revealed in a tweet that he will be collaborating on SRK+ - "Dream come true! Collaborating with @iamsrk on his new OTT app, SRK+," Anurag Kashyap tweeted.
Shah Rukh will be next seen in Pathaan, gearing up for a January 2023 release. Billed as "a high-octane spy thriller", the film is directed by Siddharth Anand. It also stars Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. Shah Rukh's last release was 2018's Zero.
Shah Rukh has also stepped into OTT space as a producer with Netflix projects like Bard of Blood and Love Hostel, which is currently streaming on ZEE5.