Trisha took to the social media platform X to announce that she joined the cast of Vishwambhara, starring Telugu superstar Chiranjeevi. This marks Trisha's return to Telegu cinema after a decade. “Guess this is what homecoming feels like. When magic and nature’s wonder take centre stage… Vishwambhara,” she wrote on X. She also shared pictures from the sets.
Guess this is what homecoming feels like😇❤️🧿
— Trish (@trishtrashers) February 5, 2024
When magic and nature’s wonder take centre stage👑 #Vishwambhara
Chiranjeevi shared a video welcoming ‘the gorgeous’ Trisha on sets. In the video, Trisha is all smiles and is seen hugging Chiranjeevi and interacting with others on the set. This is the second time Trisha and Chiranjeevi are coming together for a film. The duo worked together for AR Murugadoss’ Stalin in 2006.
Trisha, who has been mainly acting in Tamil films, made her debut with a Telegu film in 2004. she then did a Telegu film, Cheekati Rajyam in 2015. The actor has also worked in Malayalam films.
Vishwambhara is a fantasy drama being produced by Vamsi, Vikram and Pramod. Chiranjeevi's daughter Sushmita is designing the costumes, while Chota K Naidu is the cinematographer and MM Keeravaani is composing the film’s music. The film is expected to be released in January 2025.