Animal and Arjun Reddy director, Sandeep Reddy Vanga, said that his film 'Spirit', starring Prabhas in the lead, will go on floors in December 2024. Vanga made the announcement soon after he unveiled the theatrical trailer for Vishwak Sen’s ambitious adventurous drama, Gaami. Gaami's crew has been working for six years to bring their film to the big screen.
Spirit will feature Prabhas as a cop. Harshvardhan Ramshwar will be composing music for the film. Prabhas will next be seen in Kalki 2898 AD alongside Deepika Padukone and Amitabh Bachchan. The movie will release on May 9. The movie has been directed by Nag Aswin and bankrolled by Aswani Dutt and Swapna Dutt. It will be released in Hindi, Telegu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam.
The movie will be produced by Bhushan Kumar and following Vanga's style, there won't be any compromise on violence. Vanga is also teaming up with Allu Arjun for another project.
Vanga's last film Animal starring Ranbir Kapoor was a super hit. It garnered close to Rs 500 crore worldwide.