Hollywood actor Olivia Munn, on Wednesday, shared how she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Munn, took to Instagram and wrote, “I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I hope by sharing this, it will help others find comfort, inspiration and support in their own journey.”
Munn also shared pictures of her at the hospital, one getting a mammogram and a clip where a doctor is seen comforting her. Munn, who has also featured in movies such as "Magic Mike", "X-Men: Apocalypse" and "The Predator", said she underwent four surgeries in 10 months, including a double mastectomy performed 30 days after her biopsy.
Munn is best known for her role as Sloan Sabbith, in the series, The Newsroom, which also starred Sam Waterston. The 43-year-old took a genetic test that checks for 90 different cancer genes in February 2023.
"I tested negative for all, including BRCA (the most well-known breast cancer gene). My sister Sara had just tested negative as well. We called each other and high-fived over the phone. That same winter I also had a normal mammogram. Two months later I was diagnosed with breast cancer," she wrote in the note she shared on Instagram.
Munn said she was lucky that the cancer was caught early, which gave her several options. Thanking her partner John Mulaney, she wrote, “I'm so thankful to John for the nights he spent researching what every operation and medication meant and what side effects and recovery I could expect.”